Friday, November 25, 2011

The Day After Thanksgiving With Downtown Fort Worth A Ghost Town Until Tonight When Chesapeake Energy Brings Christmas Delights!

You can not tell by the view through my patio prison cell bars that the sky above is cloudy on this day after Thanksgiving, last Friday, of the next to last month of 2011.

You can also not tell by looking at the picture that the outer world is currently heated, or chilled, depending on your point of view, to 55 degrees.

Which means I will be in the pool enjoying a morning swim in a few minutes.

Today is what has come to be known as Black Friday.

The biggest shopping day of the year.

I won't be participating. I used to enjoy going to a mall on this day to do some people watching, but that no longer seems like a fun thing to do.

I may go to downtown Fort Worth today and shoot video of the ghost town that is downtown Fort Worth on the busiest shopping day of the year. Due to Fort Worth being the biggest town in America, population-wise, with no downtown department stores, and few other stores, it is not a shopper's mecca on this day when the masses go into heavy duty buying mode.

However, tonight downtown Fort Worth will see its population somewhat surge with people watching more than 100 floats, horses, marching bands and other stuff that makes up what is being called "Christmas Delights!" in the annual Chesapeake Energy Parade of Lights.

This was not always the annual Chesapeake Energy Parade of Lights. But, it is now yet one more thing Chesapeake Energy has taken possession of in Fort Worth.

We are very grateful.

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