Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Bible Belt For Perry Is Following Me

This morning I can not tell you how thrilled I was to learn that Bible Belt For Perry is now following me on Twitter.

As everyone knows, and this message from Twitter confirms, "Bible believers support GOVERNOR RICK PERRY FOR PRESIDENT."

I do not know if there are any Bible non-believers supporting Rick Perry. I'm actually not quite sure what it means to be a Bible believer.

Does it mean you believe everything you read in the Bible? Some of what's in the Bible is a bit far fetched.

Or so it has always seemed to me.

Some of what Rick Perry says seems a bit far fetched as well.

Maybe believing in the far fetched is what Rick Perry and these Bible believers supporting Governor Rick Perry for President have in common.

Another thing I really don't understand is why in the world anyone would follow me on Twitter.

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