Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Already The 2nd Tuesday Of November With The Fort Worth Stockyard Ruins Ruined By Chesapeake Energy

The view from my primary viewing portal on the world on this 8th day of the next to last month of 2011 seems to have an odd golden glow going on, even though the sky is totally overcast with the sun's light filtered through a thick layer of vaporized H2O.

After the sun finished its daily lighting duties on Day 7 of the next to last month of 2011 rain fell in copious amounts for a short duration, accompanied by a little thunder and lightning.

Watching Dancing with the Stars Pete Delkus did not directly interrupt with any dire weather warnings, except during commercial breaks, when he did inform us that there was some potential tornado action possible somewhere within his viewing range.

All appears wet this morning in the outer world. Currently heated to a balmy 70 at my location. I see no hill hiking in my future today.

Changing the subject from the weather to the destruction of one of my favorite Fort Worth locations.

The Fort Worth Stockyards Ruins.

I did not know, until this morning, that Chesapeake Energy had purchased the 18 acre site of the former Swift Armor meat packing plant at the east end of the Fort Worth Stockyards, way back in 2007, hoping to develop the property as yet one more drilling site.

Chesapeake supposedly spent around $700,000 removing asbestos from the site, along with $30,000 a month on security. Security which I've only noticed way back when the FOX TV show, Prison Break, used the Stockyard Ruins as a set, turning the Stockyards into a Panama prison.

Chesapeake gave up on the idea of drilling on the Stockyard Ruins land, then looked into turning it into some sort of headquarters. That was deemed too expensive. And so now the Fort Worth Stockyard Ruins are going to be demolished so the land can be redeveloped.

The Fort Worth Stockyards will never be the same. But, they may be better with the Stockyard Ruins gone.

I'm going swimming now.

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