Saturday, November 19, 2011

The 3rd Saturday Of November Dawns With A Stormy Sky Over Texas

You can not tell via the picture view through the bars of my patio prison cell that a cloudy stormy sky is hovering above on this 3rd Saturday, Day 19, of the next to last month of 2011.

It is currently being heated to 65 degrees in the outer world at my location on this parched part of the planet.

If the weather predictors are predicting correctly, by the end of today this parched part of the planet should be less parched than it is at the present moment.

Supposedly there is a 75% change of rain today, along with Thunderstorms. More so tomorrow.

The temperature high today is predicted to be 74 degrees. Tomorrow is scheduled to get into the 80s.

These balmy temperatures should have that aquamarine thing you see in the above picture warm enough for a pleasant swim this morning, hopefully without incoming lightning bolts. I think I will go do that right now.

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