Monday, November 21, 2011

The 3rd Monday Of November Dawns Cold & Cloudy While Fort Worth Visionaries Enter Their 4th Decade Of Visioning

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell we can sort of see that the dawn of the 3rd Monday of the next to last month of 2011 has dawned with clouds covering this parched part of the planet which I inhabit.

It is currently only 46 degrees in the outer world at my location.

I will not be going swimming this morning.

Changing subjects from my favorite subject, the weather, to something else.

I have long been a fan of goofy stuff I read in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The Star-Telegram, to you reading this who are not in Texas, is what passes for a newspaper in this part of the world.

This morning, in the Star-Telegram...

In January, hundreds of "visionaries" will begin the yearlong process of designing the fourth, 10-year master plan for downtown Fort Worth.

Downtown residents, business and property owners, civic and government leaders and representatives from surrounding neighborhoods will be asked to participate in so-called visioning sessions conducted by Downtown Fort Worth Inc.

The process has worked well in the past, so Andy Taft, president of Downtown Fort Worth Inc., a nonprofit advocacy group that oversees downtown, decided to continue it.
The past three plans are responsible for much of how downtown looks. "The last strategic plans were very well-received," Taft said.

Hyde Park at Ninth and Throckmorton streets, the redesign of Burnett Park off Seventh and Lamar streets, the new design of the bus passenger shelters, Molly the Trolley and parking improvements are examples of some completed projects.

"More cities than not go through elaborate planning," Taft said.

Do I really need to make any mocking comments about this? I don't think so. It pretty much mocks itself.

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