Monday, October 24, 2011

Walking With The Ghosts Of Village Creek Thinking About Pregnant Goats, Asperger's Syndrome, Caribbean Cruising & Disneyland

The dense fog that blanketed my zone of this parched part of the planet lifted by the noon time frame when I headed to Pantego.

The route to Pantego passes by the Village Creek Natural Historical Area. Even though I'd just been to the Village Creek Natural Historical Area yesterday, I decided to stop for a walk.

The newly refilled with water, Village Creek Blue Bayou, was looking particularly blue today.

This morning I found myself being perplexed by Betty Jo Bouvier and her assertion that decades ago I had allegedly been mean to a pregnant goat. I have absolutely no recollection of ever being in the presence of a pregnant goat. I would think I would remember such a thing.

Betty Jo Bouvier has a history of remembering things I don't remember. Such as Betty Jo's claim that she, me and one of the future stars of LOST, went skinnydipping at Bay View State Park when we were teenagers. I may have forgotten about being mean to a pregnant goat, but I'm almost totally certain I would remember skinnydipping with Betty Jo Bouvier and Honey Lulu.

Speaking of strange behavior. Yesterday a concerned bystander was discussing Gar the Texan Nerd's strange behavior with me. Gar the Texan Nerd is currently on his 8th or 9th Caribbean cruise of the year. Gar the Texan Nerd now bills himself as a "Professional Cruiser." I don't know how well this pays.

I explained to the concerned bystander that Gar the Texan had recently been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. When I was told about this diagnoses it was an aha moment for me, as in 'aha,' that explains the strange behavior of Gar the Texan Nerd.

Anyway, having a fun experience, like going on a cruise, and then mindlessly repeating the experience over and over again is a classic Asperger's type thing.

This morning this got me thinking if Gar the Texan Nerd going on a cruise 9 times in one year is an Asperger's Syndrome symptom, then do I have Asperger's too, what with my almost daily swimming and walking or hiking?

It gives me pause to wonder.

There was a time when I was younger, in my 20s, maybe early 30s, when I'd drive down to Southern California once a year, either in the spring or fall. Always going to Disneyland as part of the trip to Southern California. I think if, back then, I found myself driving to Southern California and Disneyland 8 or 9 times a year I would have been concerned I was going nuts. I don't think Asperger's Syndrome had been invented yet, by that point in time.

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