Sunday, October 23, 2011

Up Late Sunday After Rain Did Not Stop The Texas Rangers From Losing Another World Series Game

I am up after the sun on this next to last Sunday of the  10th month of 2011.

As you can see looking skyward through the bars of my patio prison cell the sky is clear and blue. Again.

However, I can tell that rain fell on the outer world last night due to the fact that there is extreme wetness out there.

Apparently the rain fell after, or not in amounts sufficient to thwart last night's World Series game at the Ballpark in Arlington. The game took place with Texas losing again in a game with an awful lot of hits and runs.

The St. Louis Cardinals had 15 hits and 15 runs. While the Texas Rangers also had 15 hits, but only 7 runs. Clearly Texas needs to increase their hit to run conversion rate.

Due to last night's precipitation there will be no Tandy Hills hill hiking today.

It is 61 degrees in the outer world, right now, in my location. So there will be swimming this morning, as in right now.

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