Thursday, October 20, 2011

Shivering 10 Degrees Above Freezing On Day 20 Of October After Texas Rangers Lose Game 1 Of The World Series

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the world you can not tell it is only 10 degrees above freezing out there.

Not windy. But cold. I am taking a morning off of my usually morning swimming ritual.

It seems like only yesterday I verbalized being appalled that it was already day 20 of September. And now it is already day 20 of October. Which has me appalled.

It is only 11 days until the biggest holiday of the year.


After Halloween we get on the fast track to the dreaded, by me, Holiday Season.

I think the Holiday Season should be like the Olympics and Presidential Elections. Held only every 4 years.

The first game of the World Series of 2011 is history. The Texas Rangers lost. I could not tell from my brief glancing at info about the game if it was played 8 miles from my abode, in the Ballpark in Arlington, or if it was played in St. Louis. I suspect it was in St. Louis because I saw the Star-Telegram had an article singing the praises of the new St. Louis baseball park.

1 comment:

  1. FNJ of Washington state agrees on the holiday season being every four years. One would appreciate it more. It's that simple. Your thoughts are as if we come from the same blood line. I connect with Durango's writing.
