Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Rarest Sea Creature Is The Salt Water Gar The Texan Nerd Fish

Gar The Texan Nerd Fish
Yes, I agree, I also found this photo of an underwater creature to be a bit unsettling. But, that is a human underwater, not some sort of big-headed spooky monster fish with spindly fins and pasty white scales.

From this particular human's blog his self description....

"And last, but not least, the rarest of all sea creatures. It's the salt water Gar Fish."

That is Gar the Texan Nerd underwater, somewhere near the Cayman Islands, during the course of his monthly Caribbean cruise.

Apparently some of the tubing apparatus was additional equipment of the diabetic episode kit variety, needed in case Gar the Texan Nerd had one of his cases of the vapors, whilst in the deep sea.

Having experienced Gar the Texan Nerd having an extreme case of the vapors on dry land, I can not imagine such a thing happening underwater. There are no Burger Kings with Whoppers to the rescue underwater.

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