Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Last Wednesday Of October Has Not Yet Dawned At My Current Location In Texas

As you can sort of tell looking through the bars of my patio prison cell I am up well before the arrival of the sun on this last Wednesday of the 10th month of 2011.

The outer world in my location is currently heated to a relatively balmy 66, heading to a predicted high today of 81.

Elsie Hotpepper has been sending me emails written in some sort of cryptic code that I am not able do decipher. It may be Navajo code talk for all I know. But, I am almost 100% certain Elsie Hotpepper is not Native American.

I can't remember the last time I've been to the Fort Worth Stockyards. Was it the time I went there with the Queen of Wink and Princess Annie after the CARO protest at the courthouse in downtown Fort Worth? Or was it when I went saloon hopping with the aforementioned Elsie Hotpepper, spending too many hours on the saddles in Booger Red's Saloon sipping Buffalo Butt Beer?

I really tire of my bad memory. But, I will try and remember to go to the Stockyards today. But, before that I am going swimming to cool off. As in right now before the sun lights up the place.

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