Saturday, October 29, 2011

It Is A Sad Saturday In Texas With No World Series Win To Celebrate

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at the bright morning of the last Saturday of the 10th month of 2011 you can not tell that it is only 38 degrees out there in the outer world in my vicinity.

I think I will try the shock therapy that results from getting in the cool turquoise water you see in the pool.

Shock therapy might break me free of the deep despair I'm feeling this morning upon learning that, once again, the Texas Rangers did not win the World Series.

I actually watched a couple innings of the final game of the World Series last night. I believe this was the first time I've watched baseball on TV since 1995, or whatever the year was that the Seattle Mariners got into the playoffs for the first time.

I was quite surprised at how greatly improved TV technology covering a baseball game is over the last time I saw baseball on TV. It made baseball much more watchable, to me, than it has ever been. Your eyes literally follow the ball at times. Extreme closeups made it real clear if someone's foot hit the base before the ball hit its mark.

I guess I am destined to never live where a baseball team wins the World Series. Maybe the Dallas Cowboys will win the Super Bowl this coming February.

I am out of here now, heading for some extreme shock therapy.

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