Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fosdic Turtles Basking In An Overflowing Fosdic Lake With No Elsie Hotpepper In View

I hauled my aching carcass to Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdic Lake precisely at noon today.

Sunday's mini-deluge removed the Fosdic beaches and had water spilling over the Fosdic Dam spillway for the first time in a long while.

The Fosdic turtle population seemed to be in a celebratory mood, not acting their usual skittish selves, the turtles willingly cooperated with posing for pictures, without instantly diving off their log perch, like they usually do.

Tomorrow there is a TRIP forum at Fort Worth's Botanic Garden, at 6:30. I hope I'm feeling up to attending this. Three of my favorite Fort Worth people will be taking part in the forum, Clyde Picht, Jim Lane and J.D. Granger.

I had intended to get Elsie Hotpepper to go to the TRIP forum with me, but Elsie seems to have gone missing. Again.

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