Sunday, October 2, 2011

The First Texas Sunday Of October Is Only 27 Degrees Above Freezing

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world on the 1st Sunday of October I can see that Sunday is starting off sunny.

If history repeats, as it often does in this parched part of the planet, this Sunday will continue to be sunny all day long.

Due to the extreme drop in temperature, as in this morning it is only 27 degrees above freezing, I slept under covers for the first time in months. In my brand new bed.

I slept well.

I flipped open my phone this morning to learn that Elsie Hotpepper had called me last night while I was trying out my new bed, wanting me to meet up with her at the Ozzie Rabbit Lodge.

Earlier in the Saturday evening I was out by the pool when my mom called. This was not a gas related call. It was a relative news call.

Yesterday made two days in a row my mom had called me. This is unprecedented. I am not complaining. I know an awful lot of people who would love to get a call from their mom. Or dad. Or both.

I'm going to go swimming now. And not take my phone with me.

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