Monday, October 3, 2011

The First Monday Of October Dawns With Aches & Pains & Weather Geeks Descending Upon Fort Worth

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell on the first Monday of October you can sort of tell that the sun has already begun its daily heating duties.

What you can not tell via the picture is it is only 58 degrees in the outer world in my location.

I am not going swimming this morning. Not going swimming is not due to the near freezing temperature. Not going swimming is due to not feeling too good. As in I'm sort of aching all over.

Yesterday I helped with the dismantling of a Big Screen TV so that it could be disposed of. You would think this would be no big deal. You would think wrong. So many screws to unscrew. So many heavy parts. It was interesting though. I did not know that inside a rear projection TV there was a giant mirror.

Switching the subject from my aching pains back to the weather.

I read an interesting bit of news this morning in Mount Vernon, Washington's Skagit Valley Herald that I did not notice in this morning's Fort Worth Star-Telegram. I may have missed it in the Star-Telegram, but in Mount Vernon's paper I learned that today in Fort Worth federal and state weather forecasters and climatologists are meeting to brainstorm about the Great Texas Drought of 2011.

The Great Texas Drought of 2011 has already cost the Texas cattle and agriculture business over $5 billion. And now a new La Nina is brewing in the Pacific's equatorial zone, which means it will likely be another dry winter.

I can't imagine what a bunch of weather geeks meeting in Fort Worth are going to do about the Great Texas Drought of 2011.

Maybe the weather geeks will issue a proclamation proclaiming that whilst Texas is in the midst of a drought, wasting fresh water with Barnett Shale natural gas well fracking should be refrained from and that a water pipeline should be built by the gas drillers to suck fracking water from the Gulf of Mexico instead of using scarce potable water.

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