Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Did Rick Perry Embarrass Himself At Last Night's Entertaining Las Vegas Western Republican Presidential Debate?

The early morning sky of the 3rd Wednesday of October is glowing clear and blue, which you can clearly see looking skyward through the bars of my patio prison cell.

I watched the Republican Presidential Debate last night, which overstimulated me and made me want to go to Las Vegas.

I don't think I've been in Las Vegas since 2005.

I've never watched a Presidential Debate with so much amusing bickering as I heard last night.

I don't know if my opinion is shared by anyone else, but to me, it appears Rick Perry is in way way way over his head. He seemed, to me, to make a big fool of himself. He even got the audience booing at him with his stupid harping about Mitt Romney supposedly being an illegal alien enabler.

Ron Paul makes a lot of sense a lot of the time. And then sometimes he says something fruitcakey. I can not think of a specific right now.Maybe one was the Wall Street occupiers should be occupying the Federal Reserve instead.

I don't know how many people watched last night's Vegas debate. If millions upon millions were viewing I suspect Newt Gingrich will be taking a jump in the polls, while Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann continue to plunge.

On a totally non-political note. Last night we got down into the 40s for the first time in a long time at my location on the planet, as you can see via my computer generated weather graphic.

My going swimming rule, that I adopted during our last swimming season, is that swimming is doable if the 24 hour temperature average is 50 degrees or above.

I am fairly certain the temperature has averaged 50 degrees, or above, during the previous 24 hour time period. So, I am going swimming now. I will let you know later how that worked out.

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