Monday, October 24, 2011

A Dense Monday Morning Fog Greets North Texas After The Texas Rangers Tie The World Series

You can sort of see via the pre-dawn view from my secondary viewing portal on the outer world that this next to last Monday of the 10th month of 2011 is a foggy morning in Texas.

A dense fog always seems so odd to me at this location. I've always associated fog with being near large bodies of saltwater. The only saltwater near this parched part of the planet is fracking saltwater polluted by the Barnett Shale gas drillers.

Changing the subject from fog to baseball.

Well, North Texas slept a bit sounder last night, peacefully going to sleep knowing the Texas Rangers beat St. Louis in Game 4 of the World Series.

I had intended to go to the State Fair of Texas this year. In the abstract, before the fair started, this seemed like something I wanted to do. But, somehow from the day the fair opened, in September, til closing on Sunday, I did not make it to Dallas.

My right arm is back aching bad again. Because of that pain and the pain of trying to find my way to my swimming pool through a dense fog, I think I'll skip swimming this morning.

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