Monday, October 10, 2011

Columbus Day Texas Thunderstorms On The Menu Today

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the world at some lingering dampness from Sunday's rare deluge on this 2nd Monday of October, day 11.

An inch and a half of rain was measured yesterday at the official rain measuring station at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport.

I would have thought that the rain and wind would have scrubbed the air clear of allergy triggers. But, something in the air got my eyes itching, nasal system dripping and clogged off, with intermittent sneeze impulses in the middle of the night.

I took an antihistamine and sprayed a lot of nasal spray. Eventually the allergic episode abated and I successfully passed out for the remainder of the night.

I'm not going swimming this morning. Yesterday's swimming in the rain was quite pleasant, but I don't have time to do that this morning. That and my arms are aching sore. Real sore.

Basically I'm a mess.

My mom called yesterday afternoon. This was not a gas related call. Mom wanted me to read an obituary whilst mom and dad listened. That was sort of strange.

It is only 59 degrees, currently. Apparently possible thunderstorms remain a possibility. With today's predicted high being a relatively chilly 78. Brrrrr.

Today is Columbus Day. The day we celebrate a European invading the Americas and beginning the process of stealing the native's lands, murdering thousands upon thousands of the original Americans, before the takeover was pretty much complete, in 1890, with the Wounded Knee Massacre.

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