Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cloudy Breezy Perfect Saturday Hiking On The Tandy Hills Today With Drought Resistant Wildflowers

Best day of Saturday hiking on the Tandy Hills in months, today. Stormy clouds blocked the sun. Strong gusts of wind blowing natural air-conditioning.

I believe I was the only human on the hills today whilst I was there.

The only wildlife of the animal sort I saw today was the Tandy Hills Roadrunner running across the Tandy Highway. The Roadrunner was gone in a flash, so there was no photo opportunity.

The last time I was on the Tandy Hills I came upon a sunny yellow wildflower growing out of the dried rocky dirt.

Today I covered a lot more territory than my previous Tandy visit. I saw the purple sticks you see at the top sprouting in multiple locations.

And I came upon a couple locations where a large flock of the sunny yellow wildflowers were somehow managing to bloom during the Great Texas Drought of 2011.

The Galtex's this morning suggested since it was Saturday I should go to Town Talk. And so I did.

Town Talkers were scooping up blackberries today. Tiny containers for, if I remember right, 2 for $1.50. Or you could buy a whole case.

The majority of my time on the planet was spent living in a location where blackberries grew wild, free for the picking. Which makes the idea of paying 75 cents for a little container of blackberries seem bizarre to me.

On the drive back to my abode a few drops of rain hit my windshield. I thought a downpour might be incoming. But, that did not happen. Not yet, anyway.

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