Thursday, September 8, 2011

Up Late The 2nd Thursday Of September Pondering Wednesday Night's Republican Debate

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world you may be able to guess I am up and about well after that glowing yellow orb in the sky arrived on this 8th day of September.

I think I overstressed my personal infrastructure, so I am not going to additionally stress my personal infrastructure today. Which means, no pool or other stressing today.

Something is seriously irritating my eyes this morning. I am almost sure this was not caused by watching the Republican Debate last night.

I also do not think my eyes burning is being caused my toxic chemicals released in the air by my new Chesapeake Energy neighbor, because I have heard no screeching drilling noises so we are not at the squirting toxic water into the well part of the process yet.

Back to that debate. My little sister, the lawyer, told me that of the Republicans the only one she could remotely consider letting in her house, if he knocked on her door, was John Huntsman.

When my little sister said this to me I had no clue who John Huntsman was. I do now. He seems like a very bright guy.

Last night's debate was my first exposure to Michele Bachmann. I did not react well to Michele Bachmann. Not well at all.

I find Ron Paul amusing. No bat's chance in hell he'll be president.

I liked Herman Cain a lot. I could see him being our first successful black president.

Newt Gringrich seems like yesteday's news to me. I do think he's a smart guy though. But with way too much baggage to make it to being president.

I'd met Rick Santorum previously. I like the guy. He seems smart. I don't think he has a chance of winning.

I was sort of hoping Rick Perry would stage an epic fail in his first debate. I was disappointed in that hope. Rick Perry did a good job last night. This sort of surprised me. I might even have found myself liking him last night, if it were not for the weird history of wearing his religion on his sleeve.

Of the 8 debating last night, I can see Mitt Romney being a good president. I think any of the 8 would fare well against the current state of Barack Obama, with the possible exception of Michele Bachmann and Ron Paul.

Enough with the politics. I am not going swimming now.

1 comment:

  1. I believe it's Jon. Not John.

    If Herman Cain won the Republican nomination it would likely be the first time since Clinton that I didn't vote for a Libertarian.

    If Rick and Barack are the two major players on the Presidential ticket, I'll more than likely have to relocate to Mexico or something.
