Sunday, September 25, 2011

Up Early The Last Sunday Of September Taking An Anti-Histamine So I Can See Texas Clearly

I am up before the sun on the last sunny Sunday of September of 2011. Next Sunday it will be October.

I remember when it seemed surprising to still be able to go swimming in October. Now it seems perfectly normal.

As you can see, the pool is looking particularly inviting this morning, a clear blue oasis beckoning me.

I'd been off anti-histamines for several days, til this morning. Whatever is in the air that irritates my eyes is back being irritating. The anti-histamine pill that I take is called Loratadine. It is the smallest pill I've ever seen. It must be a very potent small pill because the instructions make real clear that one is not to take more than one pill in a 24 hour period.

Relief comes quite quickly after swallowing a little Loratadine pill. As in my eyes are no longer precipitating.

With my eyes dry and my mood improved and the sun having arrived to begin its daily illumination duties, it is time to go visit that clear blue oasis I mentioned a couple paragraphs ago.

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