Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Up Before The Sun Again On Day 7 Of September Wondering Why I Can Not Catch A Salmon In The Trinity River

On this 7th morning of September I am again up before the sun, looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world at swimming pool currently being chilled by a temperature of only 63.

It is being so much easier to get a good night's sleep with no A/C running and no ceiling fan spinning overheard.

I thought of my nephew Joey, up in Washington, in the town of Clear Lake, near the Skagit River in the Skagit Valley, this morning, whilst reading the Skagit Valley Herald online.

Joey is a fishing maniac. Every year Joey catches a lot of salmon, many of which get turned into smoked salmon.

There was a period of time when the salmon runs in the rivers of Washington were in danger, as in few salmon were returning to spawn.

This is no longer the case.

Currently it is the return of the pink salmon that is happening. Pink salmon are also known as humpies. What is happening on the rivers right now is known as humpy mania, as a lot of fishermen are catching a lot of fish.

An estimated 6 million pink salmon are heading up the Puget Sound rivers. Of those, about 1.2 million are swimming up the Skagit, where Joey will catch quite a few.

I don't know if Joey is mailing his favorite uncle any smoked salmon this year.

None of the Puget Sound rivers have signs warning an angler that consuming the fish caught may not be safe.

The same can not be said of Texas where there are rivers and lakes with signs warning anglers that consuming fish caught may not be safe.

 But, it is totally safe to go inner tubing in those unsafe to fish waters.

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