Monday, September 5, 2011

Snail Hunting On The Cool Windy Tandy Hills With Lobster Tacos & Jalapeno Progress

On Saturday on the Tandy Hills I came across a bottle full of frozen water, sitting on ground heated over 100. With no humans seen.

The next day that bottle was gone.

And today, about a foot from where that bottle sat, there was a white snail shell stuck to a thick stalk of prairie grass.

I have seen snail shells on the Tandy Hills ground, previously, but never stuck on a grass stalk. I would seem that something like a snail must not have an easy time dealing with a drought.

It was barely 80 when I hit the Tandy Hills today a little after noon. Wind frequently gusting over 20 mph provided a nice wind chill factor. Making today the coldest day on the Tandy Hills in a long, long time.

I rather liked it.

The pool, this morning, bordered on cool. And had me wondering how it is that I manage to go swimming all winter long, as long as it is above freezing.

Labor Day lunch was Lobster Tacos. With Extra Sharp White Vermont Cheddar. Lobster Tacos may be my new favorite. I was not much of a lobster fan when I lived where there was a lot of fresh seafood available, with lobster not being among the fresh seafood one could fetch from Puget Sound.

I have never made tacos using Dungeness Crab. Methinks Dungeness Crab Tacos would be really tasty.

I made Jalapeno Progress today. No, Jalapeno Progress is not some Mexican food item. What I meant is I made progress via having a successful Jalapeno chopping experience. Meaning, I did not have a burning a super-sensitive area incident after chopping a Jalapeno.

In my simple world I have to make note of the little things to have any sense that I'm making some progress somewhere.

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