Monday, September 5, 2011

A Semi-Chilly Labor Day In North Texas With Lobster Tacos

I am up well before the sun on this 5th day of September, looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at an outer world currently heated to 70 degrees.

I had been led to believe, by the temperature predictors, that this morning would be chilled to 61.

This morning the temperature predictors are predicting that the low for this first Monday of September will be 56. With the high being only 83.

I suspect I will have temperature disappoint again today.

Currently I have my windows open. No A/C running, with windows open. Labor Day is starting off nicely.

I have no idea what I am doing this particular Labor Day, besides going swimming now that the sun has begun its daily illumination process, then likely enjoying the chilly air on the Tandy Hills. After that I'll be making my usual Labor Day Lobster Tacos. I will not be going to Town Talk today. Town Talk is closed for Labor Day.

Below you can see the chilly temperature predictions for my zone of North Texas for the next 5 days.

1 comment:

  1. Move back to the hot and humid Skagit County. Highs expected near 90 all week.
