Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mysterious Ice On The Saturday Tandy Hills & CatsPaw's Nerd Comments

I saw no one on the Tandy Hills today.


See that plastic bottle in the middle of the picture? The bottle was at the end of small patch of prairie that looked as if its grass had been removed.

The bottle was full of water. That was frozen. It was around 92 degrees when I hit the hills today. The ground was warmer than 92 degrees. And yet this bottle of water was mostly frozen.

On the way to the Tandy Hills I got a call from a damsel in an elevator in distress in Glen Rose. Apparently the damsel had been expecting to see me in Glen Rose today.

I got lobster today at Town Talk. Among other things. Saturday at Town Talk was very busy, again, with the parking lot almost full.

Earlier today I answered a question about why a particular individual was known as a nerd. Then, when I woke up my computer and checked email there was incoming from CatsPaw, with a photo attached, regarding nerds.

CatsPaw said "Re: Nerds Because there's no way I can put it in comments.:)"

How rude.


  1. CatsPaw has a meaning beyond La Fontaine's fable. See Staub v. Proctor Hosp., courtesy of the U.S. Supreme Court.

  2. That picture was very coincidental Mister Pot.

    Either that or CatsPaw has been researching our past discussions.

  3. The nerd wars were right in front of me. I was not put up to it by one nerd or another. I am an equal opportunity nerd pointer-outer.

    One of my terrible flaws is an unfortunate and sometimes calamitous tendency to be a defender of undernerds. Whomever it happens to be this week.

    Like now.
