Thursday, September 8, 2011

More Snails On The Tandy Hills While The Puget Sound Bakes From A Heat Wave

I had myself another strange snail sighting today on the Tandy Hills.

Have white snails always been part of the Texas prairie landscape? Or is this yet one more foreign invasive species?

And why are the snails sliming themselves up stalks of grass?

Changing the subject from snails to me making another mistake.

Earlier today in a blogging I mentioned the Republican with the last name of Huntsman. John Huntsman.

A fellow Republican, Gar the Texas Nerd, then informed me that the correct first name for Mr. Huntsman is Jon, not John. I really appreciate Gar the Texas Nerd, or GTN as his close friends call him, taking the time to alleviate me of this bit of erroneousness.

Changing the subject again, this time from GTN to the temperature.

It was only 80 when I hit the hills today. It is only 84 right now. A couple days ago I mentioned that the Puget Sound zone was finally getting the HOT weather they'd missed in June, July and August.

I said I'd be hearing some temperature whining from the Northwest. Below is the latest example of Puget Sound temperature whining. This particular one is from Tacoma....

"We are in a heat wave. Over 80 all week. Maybe 90 on Sunday. Holy moly!!!"

Now, this particular Puget Sound dweller actually has air-conditioning in her house. Very very few Puget Sounders have air-conditioning in their house.

Speaking of air-conditioners, mine just turned on. I thought I had it turned off.

I'm out of here for a bit. Miss Puerto Rico requires my assistance with something electronic.

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