Sunday, September 4, 2011

The First Sunday Of September Has Dawned With A Pleasantly Cold Temperature

I am up well before the sun this first Sunday of September. That blue oasis in the picture is looking inviting.

Mostly due to the fact that right now I am overheating. Even though the A/C is running and a fan is spinning overhead.

I do not know why I am overheating. I'm sort of feeling like I may be in the throes of some sort of ailment.

Currently the outer world is the coldest it has been in a long time. Only 75.4 degrees. I should open my windows.

We are heading to a relatively chilly high today, supposedly, of 88. Tonight's low, again supposedly, is supposed to get down to 61. I will definitely have my windows open.

But before I open the windows I guess I will go swimming before it gets too cold to comfortably do so.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are finally getting a break on the weather. Hope all is well.
