Thursday, September 1, 2011

The First Day Of September With Fish Dying In Lake Grapevine While I Swim

The sun has now arrived to light up the place, but I was up well before that golden orb in the sky on this first day of September.

The outer world in my location is currently chilled to 83.2 degrees, heading to a high today of under 100 degrees, hopefully.

Regarding the heat wave, odd news in the past 24 hours regarding over 124,000 dead fish in Lake Grapevine.

The fish supposedly died due to the HEAT depleting the level of oxygen in the lake.

Which had me wondering what makes Lake Grapevine different than any of the other many lakes in the Dallas/Fort Worth area? Why are there no reports of dead fish in Lake Joe Pool? Lake Arlington? Benbrook Lake? Lake Eagle Mountain? Lewisville Lake? Lake Worth?

Yesterday, when I was watching snakes and turtles in the shallow little pond in Veterans Park, I also watched a lot of little fish swimming around.

Are the fish dying in newly dangerous Lake Texoma, which has been closed to swimming due toxic algae by the Army Corps of Engineers?

Speaking of swimming, methinks I shall go take my first morning swim of September. I am hoping by the end of the month I will be typing it was only 48 degrees this morning and I am still swimming.


  1. That headline is a bit convoluted. It reads like YOU are the reason for all of those fish going belly up.

  2. Sorry for the convolution, CatsPaw. I have not swam in Lake Grapevine since one scary day in July of 2002 when I was enjoying the cooling Lake Grapevine water on a very HOT day when I found myself staring at a big reptilian head which I assumed was a water moccasin, but after my high speed swim back to shore I looked out in the water to see the big reptilian head of a turtle.
