Tuesday, September 6, 2011

38 Degrees Under 100 This First Tuesday Of September In Formerly HOT Texas

Outside, in the pre-dawn darkness, looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at a chilly pool, on this, the 6th Day of September, I am feeling good, because I had myself one very good night's sleep, due to no air conditioner running, no ceiling fan spinning, no hot temperatures in the outer world and windows able to be wide open.

Even though my windows were wide open I smelled no wildfire smoke, even though this morning I learned we have a wildfire, or two, burning in Fort Worth.

Currently, just minutes before 7 in the morning and the arrival of the daily nuclear explosions in the sky, my zone of Texas is chilled to 62 degrees.

Yesterday getting in the pool was actually slightly bracing, which seemed to be a good thing. This morning I suspect the bracing level will be higher. I hope that is a good thing.

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