Friday, September 9, 2011

The 2nd Friday Of September Cooling Off From The HOTTEST 3 Months In American History

As you can sort of see, via the view from my outer world patio viewing platform, the sun and I got up about the same time on this second Friday of September.

I had no windows open overnight. No A/C running. No ceiling fan spinning. And yet I had a perfectly pleasant night's sleep.

It is currently only 66 degrees, heading to a high 22 degrees warmer.

Continuing with my favorite subject, that being the temperature, the National Weather Service has made it official. Texas, which is enduring its worst single-year drought, its worst drought related agricultural losses and it worst wildfires, which have burned millions of acres and over 1,000 homes, has also endured the hottest June, July, August on record for the nation known as America.

The temperature average for that 3 month period was 86.8 degrees.

All this HOT talk has me in the mood to get cold. So, I think I will go swimming now, something I did not do yesterday.

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