Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Up Way Before The Sun On The Last Day Of August Looking For Sweet Tomatoes At Noon

I am up way before the sun looking through the bars of my patio prison cell on this last day of August of 2011.

It is about a half hour before the sun arrives and already it is 87.6 degrees in the outer world in my vicinity, heading to a scheduled high of 101 today.

If the weather forecast is correct, today will be the last 100 degree day in the current string of 100 degree or HOTTER days.

By Monday the high level low, which begins arriving tomorrow, will have us chilled to a high of 92.

I did not go swimming yesterday morning due to Tuesday is the day the pool gets its weekly treatment so that it can be chemically crystal clear. This morning if the sun ever shows up to provide some illumination, I am going swimming.

In the noon time frame I am scheduled to go to Arlington to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. I have not been to Sweet Tomatoes for a long time.


  1. Have you been to a Souper Salad? If so, would you compare and contrast to Sweet Tomatoes?

    There's a Sweet Tomatoes going in on 7th Street across from the new In 'n Out. Parking in the area does not appear to lend itself to an easy trip however.

  2. I like Sweet Tomatoes way better than Souper Salad. 7th Street needs to solve its parking woes.
