Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Up Early On Another HOT Wednesday In Texas

Unlike yesterday, today, on the 24th Day of August, I am up well before the sun looking through the bars of my patio prison cell wondering how I can escape this incarceration of my own making.

Yesterday I woke up to find various body parts in full ache mode. This morning those aches have abated.

Yesterday my swimming pool was in shock, so I was unable to go for my regular early morning swim. I will make up for that this morning.

Yesterday it was no great surprise that North Texas found itself heated to over 100 degrees HOT. Again. This morning my zone's outer world is already heated to 85.7, heading to a scheduled high of 104. Again.

Meanwhile, right now up north in my old home zone of Mount Vernon, Washington, the Pacific Northwest natural air-conditioning is chilling the Skagit Valley outer world to 54.7, about 30 degrees cooler than my un-natural air-conditioning is chilling my inner world.

It is time to go swimming now before it gets any hotter. I shall ponder my plot to move back to the Northwest whilst I swim.

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