Monday, August 15, 2011

The Shadow Of The Bald Skinny Dipping Thin Man Ponders The Dark Full Moon

The Shadow of the Bald Skinny Dipping Thin Man is up well before the sun on the 15th day of August.

The moon is full this morning, hovering directly overhead, yet providing no darkness removing illumination.

A few weeks ago I saw photos of contemporaries of mine who have become follically challenged. When I saw these photos I thought to myself something I have thought to myself before.

As in if ones hair gets thin why not just go for a buzz cut instead of a diseased mange look?

So, yesterday I decided to see what it is like to have a total buzz cut. This is rather easy to do. I like the result. It is sort of convenient. Zero time spent drying hair. Definitely no combing is needed.

I don't think we made it to 100 degrees yesterday, but I'm not totally certain about that. If we didn't I am fairly certain that would make 4 days in a row under 100. Today the scheduled temperature is over 100.

Even though we are scheduled to be HOT today I think I will try to do some Tandy Hill hiking. I can not remember when last I have been on the Tandy Hills. Maybe 2 Saturdays ago.

In the meantime I am going swimming in the increasingly chilly pool.

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