Thursday, August 4, 2011

4th Day Of August Day 34 In A Row Over 100 In North Texas

Looking at the outdoor world via my primary viewing portal one might correctly assume the fiery sky orb did its daily light up the day duty before I arrived awake for the 4th day of August.

Today will be Day 34 in a Row of 100 degrees or higher.

Yesterday again broke the Texas electricity usage record. For the third day in a row. So far the HEAT has not broken the grid and no rolling blackouts have been needed.

We are already at 87.1 this morning with the sun barely beginning its daily HEAT duty. Up in my old home zone of the Skagit Valley the sun is only able to warm that chilly zone to 53.2 this morning.

I think I will go swimming now, before it gets any HOTTER.

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