Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Walking In The Shade Of Village Creek Talking To My Sister About The Great Arizona Dust Storm

Today is my weekly weakly take it easy day. I tend to overdo the physical activity activities at times. Thus leading to some areas of soreness that benefit from a rest period.

So, today, on my way to ALDI in Pantego, I called my sister in the Phoenix suburb of Chandler and talked to her on my way to the Village Creek Natural Historic Area to go on a short walk on the cooly shaded paved trail.

I was curious to hear my sister's first hand tale of the dust storm that blew into the Valley of the Sun yesterday.

My sister did not know of impending incoming doom. She was firing up the BBQ, getting ready to grill some steaks, when she saw a dark wall moving towards her. She called for my brother-in-law to come outside. When he saw what was heading their way he wanted the camera to take pictures.

But, my sister told my brother-in-law there was no time for pictures. She wanted to get the lawn furniture pads out of harm's way and cover the pool.

Within 5 minutes the clear blue sky had turned to total darkness. 50mph plus winds blew dust for over an hour. When it was over, daylight returned to reveal several inches of dusty mud covering the outdoors.

Even though I had not gotten gas, after I talked to my sister, I called my mom and dad to hear their dust storm experience. I got the answering machine. I was sort of forewarned that that might happen, due to my sister thinking mom and dad might be at a doctor's appointment.

My sister had not heard from my brother who lives in Maricopa, south of Phoenix. The dust storm came from the south. One would have thought my brother would have called my mom and dad and sister to warn them about what was heading their way.

Meanwhile I heard from my little sister, in Tacoma, asking me what is wrong in Texas? Where does one start to answer that question?

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