Sunday, July 17, 2011

Up Late In Texas The 3rd Sunday Of July Thinking About Nothing But The Temperature

I was up late Saturday night, which has me up late on this 3rd Sunday of July. You can sort of tell I am up late by how brightly lit the pool zone is.

It is only 81 this morning, starting off slightly cool, heading to a scheduled high of 105, with the Real Feel Heat Index making it feel like it is 111.

Currently the prediction for Monday is that we will only reach 99 degrees, thus ending our streak of days in a row of 100 or higher.

At my old home location in the Skagit Valley of Washington it is currently 54 degrees, cloudy with rain in the forecast.

At my mom and dad and sister's location in the Phoenix desert zone they are currently at 88 degrees heading to a high of 110. Being in the desert their Real Feel Heat Index has them feeling cooler than the actual temperature, even though it is monsoon season in Arizona, and thus more humid than the norm.

I am going to go swimming right now. Unless I change my mind.

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