Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Tuesday In Texas With Zero Outdoor Activity In Solidarity With Gar The Texan Syndrome

The 3rd Tuesday of July, day number 19, has dawned with yet one more clear blue sky morning in North Texas, currently heated to 82 degrees, heading to a scheduled high today of 102.

Since it is Tuesday I will not be getting wet in that blue oasis you see in the picture, via looking through my primary viewing portal on the world. Tuesday is the day the pool gets its weekly treatment. A very necessary treatment when the temperature is over 100 day after day.

Today is going to be a day of greatly curbed outdoor activity. I think I may have overdone my aerobic pool activity yesterday, because I am sort of sore all over. A day of rest from physical strains is an occasional good and needed thing.

Speaking of taking a rest from physical strains, Gar the Texan conjured one of his more interesting bloggings of late, basically an ode to his inability to engage in outdoor activity without getting a case of the vapors.

From Gar the Texans's latest blogging.......

"I have a t-shirt that reads, "Extreme Indoor Enthusiast".  For some reason, I've never been much for the great outdoors. Durango was fond of calling it the vapors and when he gave up trying to cure me, I never heard from him again."

Gar the Texan then goes on to list dozens of instances, on my blog, where I refer to his getting a case of the vapors.

Gar the Texan is completely erroneous in thinking that his Expiration Date was reached due to incurable cases of the vapors. What actually brought about Gar the Texan's Expiration Date is I got tired of too many behavior instances of what I now know were caused by Asperger's Syndrome.

Had I realized that what I was experiencing was caused by a syndrome, I probably would have been a bit more sympathetic regarding the symptoms.

One of the Gar the Texan Asperger's Syndrome things is to always be wearing a t-shirt with a message on it. This is sort of vaguely embarrassing to see on someone approaching the half century mark, age-wise.

I was a little surprised I did not hear from Gar the Texan last week after I blogged about discovering him in an FW Weekly ad.


  1. Somehow I completely missed the blogging trying to convince people I had a mullet when I did not. Some times you manage to sneak blogs past me. I don't know how you do it.

    I talked to a psychologist today. He said something that made me think untreated ADD can come off a lot like Asperger Syndrome.

  2. I have lost track of the number of times I've suggested that Gar needs to let go of his mullet denial. It is ancient history now. No need to be in denial.

  3. That's like trying to tell me to quit denying that 2 plus 3 is 4.
