Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stalking Yucca Plants On The HOT Tandy Hills

I think the plant with two stalks growing out of it is a yucca plant. I see a lot of this plant on the Tandy Hills.

A couple years ago I read that yucca was very nutritious. Rich in iron, if I remember right, and other minerals.

I bought yucca roots a couple times at my favorite Asian grocery store in Arlington's Chinatown.

I think yucca is an acquired taste that I was unable to acquire.

If that is yucca growing on the Tandy Hills I don't know if it is the edible sort. I do know that it'd be really bad behavior to dig up some Tandy Hills yucca roots.

The drought seems to be affecting some of the Tandy Hills prairie greenery. I saw some major wilting going on today.

I also did some major wilting on the Tandy Hills today. Very humid. Right now it is 99 degrees with the humidity making it feel like 110. That is HOT.

Tomorrow, for the 4th of July, the current prediction is for the real temperature to hit 103, with the HEAT INDEX reaching 108. That is also HOT.

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