Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Rogue Downpour With Hail Gets Me Unexpectedly Wet In My Zone Of Texas

Rain was not in the forecast for my zone of North Texas for this first Saturday of July.

I was sitting here minding my computer business, the view out my computer room window was bright, the sky blue, with a cloud or two.

And then, suddenly, with the sky still bright, hail started hitting my window in copious amounts.

The hail was soon followed with rain mixed in, which then went into downpour mode, as you can see in the picture.

And now, 10 minutes later, only a few stray drops are now falling and the sky is back being bright blue again.

I am seeing no rainbow from my location. But, I have a very limited view.

I think the quirky weather may be my favorite thing about Texas.

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