Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Recovering From Possible Heatstroke Possibly Caused By Hiking The 102 Degrees HOT Tandy Hills Today

I had myself plenty of endorphin stimulating aerobic activity swimming early this morning.

By the time my regular, daily, I feel cooped up and need to get some of what passes for fresh air in this seriously polluted location I currently inhabit time of the day rolled in around noon I was just a bit wary of doing any hill hiking on the Tandy Hills.

Even though the Tandy Hills is a registered, certified, Natural Sanatorium Area, which does a body a world of good, it was 96 when I decided it was time to leave air-conditioned comfort.

96 with a Real Feel Heat Index of 102.

Since I was going to Town Talk hoping to get sushi and Cornish game hens I parked at the park on View Street access to the Tandy Hills. I was not soon into walking when I realized I likely was not going to be wanting to go down and up any steep hills.

I was already feeling a bit woozy, for who knows what reason. I did not have with me my favorite piece of elderly person equipment, that being my little remote control device that I can use to hit a button and say, "Help me, I've fallen and can't get up."

But, I did have my cell phone with me, so if a serious case of heatstroke struck me I figured I could call 911. But that really would seem rather selfish to put the 911 rescue people through HOT HELL just because I was foolish enough to subject myself to the Texas Furnace.

So, I risked no steep trail heat prostration by staying on the trails that are fairly flat that lead in from View Street. I still got too HOT.

All it takes is some wind and for the humidity to head further south and then these HOT temperatures become much more easy for me to tolerate.

As you can see, by around 3 in the afternoon it has not heated up all that much hotter than it was at noon. Currently 100, with the Real Feel Heat Index feeling like 104.

The predicted high for today is 104, which should happen, if it does, around 5. At 104 the Real Feel Heat Index will only be 106.

This morning I read the Queen of Wink waxing on about rain that fell upon her parched parts in West Texas yesterday. Why is rain falling in the West Texas desert and not in this part of rain-starved Texas? We are wilting here. Wilting and turning brown.

I got a confession from Tarrant Liberty Guy an hour or so ago, confessing to playing fast and loose with my words on the TRIP website. I mentioned this particular crime in a blogging earlier today. I don't know if it is too late to turn off the police investigation.

I am having myself what seems to me, for me, a bit of a very very rare headache. Is this some sort of possible heatstroke symptom?


  1. I have always taken you for an intelligent sort. This insistence on hiking in temperatures like these may cause me to reassess my opinion. One needs all the functioning brain cells we can retain at this point in our lives and here you are frying yours with these willy-nilly walkabouts.

    I am recommending that you cease and desist this behavior forthwith. Are your people English? You do not appear to be of the canine persuasion. This is just one reason that I favor felines and honor them in my nom de internetz ... they are proficient at the art of siesta and avoid the midday sun.

  2. CatsPaw, I have also always taken you for an intelligent sort, but the fact that you have so obviously erroneous mistaken me for an intelligent sort, causes me to feel the need to reassess my opinion. I shall forego noonday exposure to the sun tomorrow because I don't want to be in heatstroke mode when I go to Paradise.

  3. Good, because you must recognize that there are people who go to, uh ... the greater Paradise ... fully in heatstroke mode and I strongly prefer not to witness such an event. It would surely prostrate me, give me the vapors, and cause me to utter loud expletives ... all behaviors which would be most embarrassing.

  4. Y'all have gotten too used to ac!
