Monday, July 25, 2011

A New Tandy Hills Mystery With An Invite To Ride The Waves At Cowtown Wakepark

It was in the high 90s when I hit the HOT Tandy Hills today, at noon. Currently, coming up on 3 in the afternoon it is 104.

There was only a slight wind blowing on the hills today, yet I did not have the overheating problem I encountered on Saturday.

I do not know, for sure, what made today so much more pleasant. Maybe my electrolytes were in balance, today, due to the drinking concoction I made in my Vita-Mix this morning consisting of all sorts of good stuff I got at Town Talk, like frozen Acai Berries, soy milk, frozen Dole strawberry/banana mix, lime juice, pineapple juice and likely some other good superfood stuff I'm forgetting.

I seem to hardly go a week without finding a new Guerrilla Art Installation on the Tandy Hills. I'm not sure if that is what I found today. Below the now dry Tandy Falls there were dozens of business cards scattered about.

The business cards showed no water damage. Which indicates they did not get flushed over Tandy Falls by the recent broken water main flood.

The business cards were for a business called PEBE J KIDS INC., with the personal name on these cards being Irene Montalvo.

Why would someone throw dozens of business cards over the Tandy Falls escarpment?

On a totally different note.

I was really happy upon returning to my computer and checking my email to see that Gail Galtex got a really good Groupon deal for going wakeboarding at the Cowtown Wakepark and invited me to go do some wakeboarding, with GG, in the polluted Trinity River water. Something I have long dreamed of doing.

Now, who is going to solve the Tandy Hills Irene Montalvo business card mystery while I go wakeboarding?

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