Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Last Sunny Sunday Of July Will Likely Be Day 30 In A Row Over 100 Degrees In North Texas

I was up before the sun this last day of July, looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at the dawning of yet one more North Texas Sunday where the sun is scheduled to turn the temperature up over the 100 degree mark.


Yes, despite the forecast indicating Saturday would end the Days in a Row over 100 at 28, at 4:28 in the afternoon the official temperature measuring station at D/FW Airport's thermometer hit 100.

We are already heated to 84.7, well on our way to 100 and Day 30 in a row. The forecast for Monday is 106. For Wednesday we are scheduled to hit a new high for the year at 108.

Well, enough about the temperature. For now. It is time to go swimming.

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