Monday, July 25, 2011

The Last Monday Of July In Texas Thinking About Flying To Seattle

I am up before the sun, looking through the bars of my patio prison cell at the last Monday morning of July.

The outdoor air is currently chilled to 83.4 degrees. A little warmer than my interior artificially chilled air temperature.

We are currently scheduled to be heated to a HOT 104 today.

The morning, with this morning being the morning of July 25, I realized it has been 3 years and 5 days since I flew up to Seattle on July 20, 2008.

For an entire month.

I realized about one week in to that month that I'd made a BIG mistake in scheduling staying for an entire month. When I finally escaped, August 20, it was with great relief when the airplane lifted off the ground and headed south. I said at the time I would not return for at least 10 years. But 3 years have been enough to slightly fade the bad memory of the bad month of 2008.

I think I'm again ready for a visit to the Pacific Northwest. For a relatively relative free visit.

But. Before I do that I think I will go swimming, now that the sun has finally gotten around to doing its daily illumination duties.

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