Sunday, July 24, 2011

Happy Birthday To The Goober Twins From Another HOT Sunday In Texas

As you can see, looking out my primary viewing portal on the outdoor world, I am up early this next to last Sunday of July.

July 24 is the Goober Twin's birthday. Big Ed and Wally are at least 39 years old today. Maybe older.

Yesterday I saw disturbing evidence that something unwanted is moving into my neighborhood. Later this morning I will go get some photographic evidence of the incoming intruder.

This morning we are already heated to 83.7, heading to a scheduled high of 103. I do not know how many days in a row over 100 we've been burned with, currently, here in North Texas. Or how close we are to breaking the record for number of 100 degree days in a row.

The sun has now completed its daily morning illumination task. Which means it is now time to go swimming.

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