Thursday, July 28, 2011

Getting Cool By Walking Around Fosdic Lake With A Blue Heron And An Incoming Tropical Storm Named Don

It was only 97 degrees when I walked around Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park today, with that 97 degrees supposedly feeling like 101.

However, the water in Fosdic Lake seems to have a cooling effect on the air surrounding it, particularly when you walk across Fosdic Dam, with the wind blowing across the lake from the south with gusts to 20 mph.

I think that was a blue heron I saw today on the east side of Fosdic Lake. The bird and the water are sort of the same shade of blue.

The cold-like symptoms that were vexing me bad yesterday seem to have abated. It pleases me when a bad thing abates.

Speaking of bad things abating. If the current prediction comes true, on Saturday we will not be heated to 100 degrees or above in drought stricken, oven baked North Texas. And rain is slightly in the forecast for tonight, Friday and Saturday, along with a chance of T-Storms, courtesy of incoming Tropical Storm Don.

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