Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Big Clouds Over Fort Worth & The Tandy Hills Make Me Forget About Big Ed's Annoying Website

It was only 86 when I left my abode to head west to the Tandy Hills. Three hours later it is 10 degrees hotter, at 96, with a Real Feel Heat Index of 102.

As you can see, in the picture, looking west, from the Tandy Hills, at the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth, today we have some sunblocking going on in the form of big white clouds.

I had myself an annoying morning of frustrating annoyance. Mostly all self-inflicted. The Tandy Hills Sanatorium restored my peaceful balance.

My morning annoyance was caused by Big Ed's website. For awhile now Big Ed had been asking me to update his website and get rid of stuff no longer relevant, like Chambers of Commerce, Balloon Festivals, Toastmasters and some strange thing called StuGurCo.

Big Ed's website was an antique, made in 2001, using the now never-used framed method. I figured I'd just take the main frame page and turn it into the index page. That took all of 2 minutes. And then the fun began. When I uploaded the new index page and went to test it, it would not load. Instead it overheated my computer, hanging it up.

Eventually I got back control of the computer. Two hours later I realized code for the framed page remained, so I took all of a minute to make a new page, and pasted in the sparse info that is on Big Ed's website's now bare homepage.

And now this afternoon I found out Betty Jo Bouvier is sending Honey Lulu here so I can put her in bootcamp of hiking the Tandy Hills and swimming. That should be very interesting.....

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