Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Windy Sunday Walk Among The Village Creek Ghosts Dodging Falling Limbs & Deciphering Cryptic Messages About Green Eggs Smoking

I had myself some computer woes this morning. More on that later. I did not get my computer woes under control til after noon.

I thought a sedate walk through the Village Creek Natural Historic Area would put me in a better frame of mind.

It did. Until I started being a bit concerned over the heavy wind blowing limbs off of trees. I do not like getting hit by a falling limb.

The Village Creek Natural Historic Area's Wildflower Area had lost all its color since I was in that location a few days ago. Drought related wildflower browning?

We have gone over 100 again. 101 to be precise. At the same time it is 101 in my zone of North Texas, in my old location in Mount Vernon, Washington it is currently 55.

Speaking of Mount Vernon, just minutes ago I got email from Mount Vernon with a very cryptic message I can't quite decipher about a Green Egg Smoking.

Below is the cryptic message.....

The Green Egg is smoking (ceramic smoker), cocktails at 3:30, dinner at 5-5:30, if there is anyone in town that is hungry for ribs and brisket, NW style.  Just a few of the ex-nice relatives will be there.  18066 State Route 9, Mount Vernon. That is, if you are in town.  Bring a rain coat.

I don't own a rain coat, so how can I bring one anywhere? I know where State Route 9 is. I'd turn off 9 onto Waugh Road, then a left on Apache, then a right on Pawnee to turn left into my driveway. The streets all have Indian tribe names because the neighborhood is called Thunderbird. I think.

Whilst doing my wind walking I called my dad to do the obligatory Happy Father's Day greeting. I got the answering machine. So, I left a Happy Father's Day message.

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