Saturday, June 4, 2011

Up Early The 4th Morning Of June In Texas Thinking About Heat Waves & Concealing My Handgun

Looking at the blue oasis through the bars of my patio prison cell this 4th morning of June it appears I am up and awake before the sun.

It is currently 72 degrees, windows open, and I just realized I am hearing no birds tweeting. Where have all the birds gone?

The sun has barely arrived at my location and it is already 72. Meanwhile up north, in the Puget Sound region of the State of Washington, the natives are preparing for the first heat wave of the year.

With a high of 79.

79 is what I set my air conditioner to.

I remember flying to Washington in July of 2004. D/FW was in the 100s when I flew away. Seattle was in the 70s when I landed. The next days were in the 70s and low 80s. The locals were bemoaning the heat wave. While I was in long pants trying to stay warm.

I have found it is easier to acclimate to heat than acclimate to cold. I shivered for an entire month the last time I was up north, July 20 - August 20 of 2008.

Yesterday I mentioned in a blogging that I got a comment from an Anonymous commenter in which the commenter said having CHL was one of the things that is great about Texas. I had no clue as to what CHL might be.

And then this morning, lifelong Texas girl, Elsie Hotpepper, alleviated me of my CHL ignorance.

CHL = Concealed Handgun License.

Is Texas the only state to have such a license? I have no idea.

I'm going swimming now, without my handgun. Because I will have nowhere to conceal it.

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