Friday, June 10, 2011

Up Early The 10th Day Of June Thinking About Dallas Winning The NBA Championship

Looking out my bedroom window this morning, with a third of June already gone, I am feeling relieved that a new day has dawned with me free of any rash type event affecting my delicate epidermal zone due to having attended last night's Rockin' the River event.

I saw no mention made of the Trinity River floaters in this morning's Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

I did see a very big headline that told me that the Dallas Mavericks are possibly about to win their first NBA championship.

Professional basketball is the only professional sport that I've ever had any tolerance for watching. There was a period of time when I would go to the Seattle Coliseum to watch the Seattle Supersonics play basketball, including going to many playoff games.

And then one year the Seattle Supersonics won the NBA championship. After so many years of being in the playoffs and not making it to the end, finally doing so seemed so anti-climatic. After the Sonics won the championship I sort of lost interest. I never attended a game in the expanded Coliseum, renamed Key Arena.

I did not pay much attention to Seattle's professional sports teams for a long time, not until one year, in the 1990s, when the Seattle Mariners had most everyone in the Pacific Northwest watching baseball. You could not escape it. I attended one of those games, that year, when the Mariners were making a run for the World Series.

The game was in the now long gone Kingdome. I was in the McDonald's luxury suite. This was to be the one and only time I have actually enjoyed watching a baseball game.

Unfortunately, I will not be in the McDonald's luxury suite in the American Airlines Arena watching the Dallas Mavericks win the NBA championship. I likely will not be watching this on TV either.

But, I am going swimming right now.

1 comment:

  1. It looked more like a Wal-Mart crowd to me, but less obese. I saw very few Trinity Uptown/7th St corridor twenty-something yuppie-types there. And it didn't seem like a TCU frat party crowd either.
