Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tandy Hills Monkey Wrenching With Spencer Jack's Dad's Fidalgo Drive-In

I did not go to the Tandy Hills yesterday, due to needing to avoid anything that might further wrench my aching back, which is now totally ache-free.

Today I found that the latest Tandy Hills Guerrilla Art Installation has had another orange flag added to it.

I am beginning to wonder if this is not the work of the Tandy Hills Guerrilla Artist, but, instead, is the work of the Tandy Hills Monkey Wrencher who is taking orange flags that are stuck on top of Mount Tandy, aka Broadcast Hill, then re-sticking the flags in the ground deep in the heart of the Tandy Hills Natural Area.

If the Barnett Shale Seismic Testing that currently is taking place on Broadcast Hill and the surrounding neighborhood results in a Chesapeake Gas Drilling Rig showing up, well, I wonder what the Tandy Hills Monkey Wrencher will do then?

Changing the Monkey Wrencher subject to that cute little monkey known as Spencer Jack.

This morning Spencer's aunt, my sister, emailed me some pictures of Spencer's uncles, my nephews, clam digging on Samish Island and BBQing at Bay View State Park.

Spencer's dad had a shirt on that had the name of his restaurant. I have not been to this restaurant, even though it did exist the last time I was in Washington, in 2008. I was in error as to what the name was. I thought it was Spencer's Dad's Grub. Instead it is Fidalgo Drive-In. Fidalgo is the name of the island on which the town of Anacortes is located in the far west end of the Skagit Valley.

I soon found that the Fidalgo Drive-In has a very nice website. Looking at the website I soon came upon a picture of Spencer Jack eyeing a root beer float.

I have not seen Spencer Jack's dad since April of 2006 when I went to his wedding to Spencer's mom. Soon after I was back in Texas, Spencer's dad called me to ask if I'd make a website for his restaurant in Mount Vernon called Eaglemont Pavilion.

I think Spencer Jack's dad opened the Fidalgo Drive-In and was running both restaurants for awhile and then sold Eaglemont Pavilion. I only learned of that when the new owners contacted me wanting to make changes to the website. They didn't seem to realize they'd need to pay me to do that. I never heard from them again.

Clearly I am not nearly as in touch with my nephews as I used to be.

Changing the subject again.

My back back being good has had me being Mr. Perky ever since the pain went away. I used to regularly have real bad back woes where my lower back would go out and sometimes take months to get better. This has only happened once in Texas. I was mowing the lawn at my previous residence. It was a riding lawnmower. I reached forward to pull a lever and my back went out. That time took months to recover.

So, yesterday when I woke up to find my lower back extremely stressed I was worried it was going to go totally out, which has been the pattern in the past. When it goes totally out I can not stand up straight, the pelvis bone is tilted. It's awful.

When the pain lifted soon after I got to Village Creek Natural Historic Area I was very relieved.

This morning I was back in the pool again, swimming like a maniac.

I forgot to mention, after I saw Spencer Jack on the Fidalgo Drive-In website I blogged about the Fidalgo Drive-In on my Washington blog.


  1. Now you've gone and dunnit, dammit. I really want a crab sammich and a root beer float. Should I find myself in Anacortes some day, I would certainly visit your great nephew's father's restaurant. (I think I'm finally understanding a branch or two on your family tree. Maybe you should work one up for us.)

    So, do we think the TH Monkey Wrencher also left the deposit into which the flag poles are deposited? Is this a (kinda ewwy) attempt at ecoterrorism?

  2. CatsPaw----Me too. Never had a crab burger before. I'm sure it is dungeness crab. You can catch dungeness easily in the waters around Anacortes. The prawns platter looked good too. Decades ago prawns were on the menu at pretty much any drive-in type restaurant in the PNW. And then they weren't. When I'm up in the Puget Sound zone I totally overdo the seafood. And anything blackberry.
