Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Second Day Of Summer Dawns Muddy, Humid & Only 70 Degrees In My Zone Of Texas

It is the morning of the second day of summer.

You are not looking at this morning's view through the bars of my patio prison cell.

What you are looking at is a view through the bars of my patio prison cell from last Thursday that is similar to this morning's view.

Google's Blogger has a problem this morning that is making it impossible to insert a picture in to a blogging.

I highly doubt the Google Bloggers's problem is related to last night's electrical activity.

Sometime after the sun left on the first day of summer a lightning storm blew in which was a bit unusual. Usually thunderstorms advance from one particular direction. Last night's storm was all around me. Lightning lighting up the sky in every direction.

The light show lasted for quite a while with no rain. And then the rain came.

I heard this morning from someone calling him or herself Anonymous that by yesterday afternoon the Tandy Hills had dried out enough for hiking, but Anonymous speculated that the rains of last night may have rendered the hills once more in drying out mode.

I'd not planned on going to the Tandy Hills today, anyway. I am going to Arlington and Pantego.

But, before I do that, I am going swimming.

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